
Privacy Policy

Updated On: 05-09-2024


We, at Coolboots Media Private Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Coolboots" “Company” “OUTSPARK” “We” “Our” “Us”), are committed to respecting your online privacy and recognize the need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information you share with us. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") describes how OUTSPARK collects, uses, discloses and transfers personal information of users through its website https://MYOUTSPARK.COM (the "Platform"). This policy applies to those who visit the Platform, or whose information OUTSPARK otherwise receives in connection with its services (such as contact information of individuals associated with OUTSPARK including partners) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Users"). For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "You" or “Your” shall mean the person who is accessing the Platform.

By accessing and/or using the “OUTSPARK”, website or other services, you agree to this privacy policy and the Terms of Use of “OUTSPARK” and give consent to the collection, transfer, operation, storage, disclosure and other uses of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. Please do not access or use our services (“OUTSPARK”) by any means or technology which conceals your actual geo-location or is unable to provide accurate details of the location (for example, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access “OUTSPARK” Services).

If you have any doubts about this Privacy policy or how “OUTSPARK” uses your personal information, shared preferences, or similar technologies, please contact “OUTSPARK” on or else stop using the services altogether.

Types of Personal Information collected by OUTSPARK

"Personal information" (PI) - means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person including common identifiers such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person and any other information that is so categorized by applicable laws. We collect information about you and/or your usage to provide better services and offerings. The Personal Information that we collect, and how we collect it, depends upon how you interact with us. We collect the following categories of Personal Information in the following ways:

  • name, email address, when you sign up for alerts on the Platform;
  • information that one would usually include in a resume, including name, contact details including e-mail address and mobile number, work experience, date of birth, educational qualifications, a copy of your resume, etc. when you register on the Platform;
  • Transaction ID, Mode of payment and errors/status of transaction, transaction amount and/or, date & time information when the user makes any payment on OUTSPARK using third party payment gateway. We do not collect, store or process any credit card, debit card, banking information, UPI or any other bank account related information.
  • information related to the job description or interview you are preparing for;
  • information about the services that you use and how you use them, including log information and location information, when you are a user of the services through the Platform
  • we may collect your Personal Information such as name, age, contact details, preferences, etc. through surveys and forms, when you choose to participate in these surveys etc.;
  • ● we may collect your Personal Information such as name, age, contact details, preferences, etc. through surveys and forms, when you choose to participate in these surveys etc.;
  • when you visit the Platform, we use cookies to automatically collect, store and use technical information about your system and interaction with our Platform;
  • when you use a device to access the Platform, OUTSPARK may collect technical or other related information from the device as well as the device location;
  • To the extent permitted by law, OUTSPARK may record and monitor your communications with us to ensure compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and our internal policies.
  • If you choose to sign in with your social media account to access the Platform, or otherwise connect your social media account with the services of the Platform, you consent to our collection, storage, and use, in accordance with this Privacy Policy, of the information that you make available to us through the social media interface. Please see your social media provider's privacy policy and help centre for more information about how they share information when you choose to connect your account.

How OUTSPARK may use your Personal Information

We will only use your personal data in a fair and reasonable manner, and where we have a lawful reason to do so.

We may process your Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • Providing our services and products to you;
  • Protecting our Users and providing you with customer support;
  • We use information collected from cookies and other technologies, to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our services (for more information please refer to paragraph below).
  • Improving the Platform and its content to provide better features and services.
  • Conducting market research and surveys with the aim of improving our products and services.
  • Sending you information about our products and services for marketing purposes and promotions;
  • Sending you information about the job opportunities available on TimesJobs according to your skillset and work experience;
  • Preventing, detecting, investigating and taking action against crimes (including but not limited to fraud and other financial crimes), any other illegal activities, suspected fraud, or violations of OUTSPARK’s Terms of Use in any jurisdiction
  • To the extent required for identity verification, government sanctions screening and due diligence checks.
  • Establishing, exercising or defending legal rights in connection with legal proceedings (including any prospective legal proceedings) and seeking professional or legal advice in relation to such legal proceedings.

We use the information collected, to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our services. We use multiple such 3rd party services like Google Analytics , Open AI, Google Bard, Cash Free, Stripe etc (Link to the 3rd party Privacy Policy is mentioned below, kindly go through the same). We may combine personal information from one service with information, including personal information, from other services to create a rich profile of you, to better your experience on “OUTSPARK”

Cookie and Other Tracking Technologies

Some of our web pages utilize "cookies" and other tracking technologies. A "cookie" is a small text file that may be used, for example, to collect information about web-site activity. Some cookies and other technologies may serve to recall Personal Information previously indicated by a user. Most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them.

You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies with your browser, but please note that if you choose to erase or block your cookies, you will need to re-enter your original user ID and password to gain access to certain parts of the Platform.

You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies with your browser, but please note that if you choose to erase or block your cookies, you will need to re-enter your original user ID and password to gain access to certain parts of the Platform.

The Basis/ Grounds which we rely on for collection and processing of your Personal Information

Your Personal Information is collected and processed by OUTSPARK based on the following legal grounds depending upon the nature of Personal Information and the legitimate purposes for which it is processed.

We do not share your personal information with companies, organizations and individuals outside of “OUTSPARK” & its partner companies unless one of the following circumstances applies:

With your consent:

We will share device-level information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of “OUTSPARK” when we have your consent to do so. When you agree to our Privacy Policy, you provide us consent to share your device-level information (mainly used for analytics, and services purpose). We do not share your personally identifiable information with any entity outside “OUTSPARK.” without obtaining your consent.

For external processing:

We provide information to our affiliates or other trusted businesses or persons to process it for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

Compliance with a legal obligation:

Your Personal Information may be processed by OUTSPARK, to the extent that such processing is necessary to allow OUTSPARK to comply with a legal obligation. An example of this would be if OUTSPARK is required to disclose your Personal Information to respond to a court order or if OUTSPARK is required to retain specific records for a fixed period to comply with requirements under any applicable law.

Why Do We Collect Information?

  • We collect, store, use and process Personal Information for a variety of business purposes, including:
  • to operate, improve and optimize OUTSPARK; - to personalize our Services, understand our users and their preferences to enhance user experience and enjoyment using our Services and improve our users’ experience
  • to help you connect with the appropriate job opportunities available on TimesJobs;
  • to provide access to certain areas, functionalities and features of our Services
  • to notify you about product updates, new products or promotional offers
  • to send related information, including confirmations, technical notices, updates, security alerts and support and administrative messages
  • to respond to your comments and inquiries and provide customer support services
  • to prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities and protect our users
  • to measure interest in our Services
  • to ensure internal quality control; and
  • to verify Individual identity.
  • Inform you about our products and services

“OUTSPARK” may use your Personal Information to provide materials about offers, products and services that may be of interest, including content or services. “OUTSPARK” may provide you with these materials by push notification, or email, as permitted by applicable law, including:

To deliver promotional information to you; to tailor content, and exciting offers; to notify you about products and services or upcoming special offers/events that may be interesting for you; and to notify you about rewards, surveys, contests or other promotional activities or events sponsored or managed by us or our business partners.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

We restrict access to your Personal Information to employees and/or consultants who we believe reasonably need to know/or that information to fulfil their jobs to provide, operate, develop, or improve our products or services.

OUTSPARK does not disclose, transfer or share your Personal Information with others except with:

  • Our affiliates and group companies to the extent required for our internal business and/or administrative purposes and/or general corporate operations and for provision of services aimed at helping you in your career enhancement. We share your personal information with to help you find out appropriate career opportunities(This is to inform you that TimesJobs is owned and operated by Coolboots Media Private Limited);
  • Third parties including enforcement, regulatory and judicial authorities, if we determine that disclosure of your Personal Information is required to a) respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; or b) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of OUTSPARK’s Terms of Use or as otherwise required by law;
  • In the event of a merger, acquisition, financing, or sale of assets or any other situation involving the transfer of some or all of OUTSPARK’s business assets we may disclose Personal Information to those involved in the negotiation or transfer.
  • Third party service providers and marketing partners that OUTSPARK engages to a) provide services over the Platform on OUTSPARK’s behalf; b) maintain the Platform and mailing lists; or c) communicate with you on OUTSPARK’s behalf about offers relating to its products and/or services. OUTSPARK will take reasonable steps to ensure that these third-party service providers are obligated to protect your Personal Information and are also subject to appropriate confidentiality / non-disclosure obligations

OUTSPARK does not intend to transfer Personal Information without your consent to third parties who are not bound to act on OUTSPARK's behalf unless such transfer is legally required.

If your Personal Information is transferred outside India, we take the necessary steps to protect your Personal Information in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Third Party Content:

Please be aware that the Platform sometimes contains links to other sites that are not governed by this Privacy Policy. Users may be directed to third-party sites for more information, such as advertisers, blogs, content sponsorships, vendor services, social networks, etc.

OUTSPARK makes no representations or warranties regarding how your information is stored or used on third-party servers. We recommend that you review the applicable privacy statements and policies of each third-party site linked from the Platform to determine their use of your personal information.


To use the Platform, you agree that you must be the minimum age (described in this paragraph below) or older.

The minimum age for these purposes shall be eighteen (18), however if local laws require that you must be older for OUTSPARK to be able to lawfully provide the services over the Platform to you then that older age shall apply as the applicable minimum age. We do not knowingly collect personal information of individuals under the age of eighteen years. If we get to know that personal information of such individuals is present in our systems, we will delete such information.

Retention of Personal Information

Your Personal Information will not be retained by OUTSPARK any longer than it is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Information is processed and/or in accordance with legal, regulatory, contractual or statutory obligations as applicable.

At the expiry of such periods, your Personal Information will be deleted or archived in compliance with applicable laws

Controlling your personal information

You have the right to invoke your rights which are available to data principals in relation to your Personal Information which is being processed by OUTSPARK.


You hold the right to withdraw the consent given to OUTSPARK to stop and cease processing your personal data.


You, having provided adequate proof of your identity, have the right to request “OUTSPARK” to provide, free of charge, a summary of your personal data that OUTSPARK processes and the manner in which OUTSPARK processes your personal data. You also hold the right to request OUTSPARK regarding the identities of other Data Fiduciaries and Data Processors with whom your personal data is shared along with the description of your personal data that is shared.


You have the right to request correction of misleading and inaccurate personal data, completion of incomplete data, updating and erasure of your personal data that “OUTSPARK” possesses.


You have the right to have grievance redressal in respect of any act or omission regarding the performance of OUTSPARK’s obligations in relation to your personal data or the exercise of your rights.


“OUTSPARK” allows you the right to nominate another individual who will then be able to exercise your rights on your behalf in the event of your death or incapacity due to unsoundness of mind or infirmity of body.

We will require you to provide a valid proof of your identity (verifiable user request), in order to ensure that your rights are respected.

Confidentiality and Security

The security and confidentiality of your Personal Information is important to us and OUTSPARK has invested significant resources to protect the safekeeping and confidentiality of your personal data. When using external service providers acting as processors, we require that they adhere to the same standards as OUTSPARK does. Regardless of where your Personal Information is transferred or stored, we take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that personal data is kept secure.

We seek to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 and Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules made there under to ensure the protection and preservation of your privacy. We have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with the laws prevalent in India to protect your Personal Information.

We ensure that appropriate technical and organisational security measures are in place to secure your data.

Social media

OUTSPARK operates channels, pages and accounts on some social media sites to inform, assist and engage with customers. OUTSPARK monitors and records comments and posts made on these channels about itself in order to improve its products and services.

We encourage you to communicate your personal information through the specified channels mentioned at the end of the policy.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

OUTSPARK reserves the right to update, change or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. The Privacy Policy shall come to effect from the date of publication of such update, change or modification.


OUTSPARK does not store any account related information or any credit / debit card details. OUTSPARK shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by Users as a result of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any information concerning the User's account, credit cards or debit cards in the course of any online transactions or payments made for any products and/or services offered through the Platform.

In case any Personal Information is shared by you with OUTSPARK, which is not requested by OUTSPARK during registration, (whether mandatorily or optionally), OUTSPARK will not be liable for any information security breach or disclosure in relation to such information.

Grievance Contact Information/Data Protection Officer

In the event you have any grievance relating to the processing of information provided by you, you may contact us at or write to us at the following address:

C/o Coolboots Media Private Limited
402-ABC, 4th Floor Centrum Plaza, Sector 53,
Golf Course Road, Opposite Suncity, Gurugram
Haryana, India – 122002

Or you can write or escalate the concern/grievance to our Data Protection officer,

Mr. Deepak Verma at: